The Apple Watch ECG found something unexpected about my heart
The Apple Watch ECG found something unexpected about my heart
How does the new ECG feature on the Apple Watch work, and what can it tell you about your heart?
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#Apple #AppleWatchSeries4 #AppleWatch4
Let’s talk electrocardiograms: Apple uses the abbreviation ECG, whereas AP style (which CNET uses) calls it EKG, which derives from the German electrokardiogram. These terms mean the same thing. Read more about the new heart-tracking features in the Apple Watch here: and watch our Apple Watch Series 4 fitness review:
OMG even knowing my HR on my iwatch already makes me anxious,,, this ecg gonna make me crazyy
Fitbit Sense (first and second version) also has EKG
jeez girl thats a lot of pvcs
The early beat was extra systoles?
God blesd
I have nothing but positive things to say about the Apple watch! I too recently discovered I have Afib. Last year, my apple watch woke me up at 5 am with the atrial fibrillation alert. I initially ignored it until it alerted me again an hour later. I went to my doctor and sure enough they confirmed the diagnosis! I’ve been taking medications and following up with my doctor every month since then. I am very thankful! Very well done Apple!!
I have the same problem after that forced vaccination.
WHAT! I don’t have that
Where can i find this app? It’s not on my new Apple watch by default?
What’s the color of her watch band? 👀👀
Maxime Center
I didn’t get a slow heart rate, i got a fast heart rate, now i got adhd medication
Why does she say EKG . . ?? It’s clearly ECG
EKG ! C= K?
Which version of Apple Watch is this?
Too much “noise” on the ekg and the electrodes are on stomach 😂
– али то није фер
– да се у свему ради тога што сте ви лопов народ мафија преваранти
– блокира све кинеско
///имају то и кинески сатови само не може од вас да то ради на кинеским сатовима
– да би ви мафија продавали своје ништа
а мени треба глукоза јер имам једног глупана
– има али не може од вас а он глуп
///он мисли да људи знају зашто се притисак добија зашто шећер зашто масоноћа
– и када измјери да је добро
– престане трошити лијекове
– кад оде код доктора доктор не зна да он не троши редовно таблете
– вели мисли ма што повећати дозу
од чега ће отићи од тога што је глуп и од американаца
//та не можеш ти од пет турских серија дневно да знаш како што иде и како што ради и до гдје је дошла медицина
– бира да је то што је
а шећер болест лошија него рак
– ништа не боли док се не почнеш распадати
– и како ништа не боли нема везе имати шећер 12 а то критично
//а не може се од американаца купити какав кинески сат који то добро мјери
– и што је то је
huawei у свему бољи од aplle за три пута
the Apple watch found that it could sell you 17 more products that you didn’t know! THanks Apple ! : 0
2:28 Atrial fibrillation
You should not just solely rely on the Apple Watch to do the ECG for you. My friend has had numerous false atrial fibrillation warnings.She went to the doctor and they did an ECG and they said it looked fine there were no abnormalities
Which generation of Apple Watch is it?
Sorry, what arrhythmia do you suffer from? that kind of heartbeat speed felt strange and terrifying
She keeps saying EKG instead of ECG, setting off my OCD, LOL
You know she was stressing when he said long term
is that SE?
Great function on the Apple watch, however it is not an ECG but it simulates one.
This is nice… until you consider all the data they are sharing with insurance providers and third party apps within their network. Then it’s* low key terrifying the future applications of such data.
Doctor looks like Jhonny sins
Where can we get a Cardio Band?
Need a 6 lead this is not that great.
ekg ejg ekge keh ekh ekh
Is this going to be any use in measuring the SYS, DIA and PUL? I’ve been in severe hypotension for 2 years. 2 narrowing arteries. So need to keep a track of the readings.
704 Ophelia Green
Real 😮😊
Why do they keep calling it an EKG? Is it just an American thing like when they spell and say aluminium wrong or am I missing something?
I wonder how much Apple payed for this video? It is infuriating how Apple is being singled out here as if they invented this functionality or as if the Apple Watch is the only watch that has this feature. 2-electrode ECG devices have existed for decades now and were already present on some smart-watches before….. there’s just one difference:
The PRICE! A 2-way ECG handheld device can be bought for 30$… and is actually a lot more usefull since you’re not restricted to a single lead like the apple watch is. The watch will only ever measure lead I.
Don’t get me wrong; the function is great! But Apple should absolutely NOT get credit for it. The technology has existed many many years earlier and was already available on some smart-watches which cost less than 1/8 of an Apple watch.
Give credit to those who deserve it…. not to one of the most greedy companies that exist.
And shame on you CNET for deceiving your audience by not disclosing the actual function of this video. In a just world, where companies would actually be held acountable, this could get you into major trouble.
So this is totally useless, unless you know how to read and interpret an ECG / EKG.
What’s funny I just put heart rate app touching my tv remote and it’s got a better heart rate than me. The apps with finger over the camera I CALL BS. I used he monitor. All try it out I bet you can rest camera on most things as long as it goes too measuring just wait. P.s you can do a video on it.
What’s model is of Apple?
So that would be Lead 1
Adrianna Ferry
Cool. I actually measured it.
Apple Watch is gimmick scam. It is worthless .
If it wasn’t for the doctor to interpret the data, she would not have known. In other words, she still needs a doctors visit. Might as well just go to the doctor to begin with.
Is fake
My grandma has that watch, it there’s no squiggly line