Some of the Best and Worst Mousepads I've Tried
Some of the Best and Worst Mousepads I've Tried
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Zowie GSR-SE Rouge:
Skypad 3.0:
Logitech G640:
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Artisan JP:
Ausmodshop (AU):
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Maxgaming (EU):
0:00 Intro
1:33 Zowie GSR-SE Rouge
3:28 Skypad 3.0
5:21 GPZ1
7:19 LGG Mercury
8:57 Vaxee PA
10:02 Artisan Hayate Otsu Mid
11:12 Artisan Mid, Soft, XSoft
13:35 Artisan Raiden XSoft
15:15 Thoughts
I’ve tried a stack more mousepads since my last update – here are the best and worst ones.
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I use a mouse pad that came with my moms desktop 5 years ago💀
i didnt have audio on watching this but nice shoulders bro
Thoughts on qck heavy?
Came to see whether Artisan is in list. Half video is of Artisan. Approved.
I love the way this guy explains the things, Personally I would say this is the best content creator of technology nowadays, continue doing it same .
best mousepad is the QCK steelseries. Because ive used it for 15 years and just get a new one every couple years. I think the point is whatever youve grown accustomed to is the best pad
What are your opinions on hystar mousepads?
Hello among all these mats for Valorant what do you recommend? Thank you
me using a rubik’s cube mat💀
You should try the new Pulsar SuperGlide V2 Glass mouse pad. I think all the issues skypad had for you, SG2 fixes those complaints. Imo. Give it a try. Cheers optimum
Wtf is one of them named like japanese ww2 plane
getting a new mousepad is just a headache for me, the right size, the right design, affordable price i just give up every time
I’ve used the same 3 QcKs for the last 10 years
Used to buy expensive mouse pads from renown brands. Razer Goliathus, Steelseries QCK, Turtle Beach, etc. Now I’m rocking 3$ Chinese mouse pad after finding that it works as well. Huge diminishing return in this market.
Honestly, the best cloth mousepad I have tried after dozens of them in the last 15+ years, is HyperX Pulsefire Mat. It’s balanced, fast but not too fast, it has equal drag on both axis, and the mouse never digs in it.I’m not sure why it’s not shown more, but it’s really amazing!
I wonder how the LTT desk pad compares with some of these. I don’t really have the money to buy a bunch of others to compare but I would love to find out you recommend switching from the LTT desk pad to something else or how it stacks up in feel compared to other stuff.
Honestly I’ve got a weird issue with the texture on my Northern Lights pad.
is the steelseries mousepad good?
I’ve been using Steelseries QcK for years, its all personal choice and very subjective. Glass/plastic/metal – no go for me
4:29 that’s because you don’t have the sleeve it’s only $19.99 so why not thing was like 90 or 120 sometimes
muffled audio gets tiring, if lazy use something like sTiltV2 by TBProAudio or FabFilter Q with a flat tilt
Hi bro, whats the name of the 2nd artisan ? The XSOFT one
4:38 was that tape on your mouse triggers?
I love how analytical you are with these.
Guys what do i need for fortnite competetive and games like apex ? I am a fast sens player i cant play with the artisan hien its very slow..
Pls Test a themouspadcompany duroglide large and a glourius elematl Air
Dude, at some point buy some foam/rubber and make what you like, it’s not hard… Especially if you like the smooth astro glide ones…
I find it funny how over the time he went from
"I don’t think you should wear a sleeve while using a mouse pad it makes you look wierd"
"I know it looks wierd but honestly that consistancy you get from having a sleeve while playing is apsolutly worth it"
I kinda expected pro gamers to use glass or at least rigid mousepads… no clue why I know just about nothing about e-sport
Can you make 2024 version of this video?
Bought a Logitech Superlight 1, which is 60g and super slidy. Before had Zowie 87g. Now i dont have any grip at all, which mousepads should i go for better grip to superlight 1?
Have you tested any glass coated surface finish mousepads? Inexpensive and they feel fantastic.
mouse pads are not becoming less important cuz mouses arer getting lighter that’s a flawed tought. Cuz lighter your mouse is u need a bit friction to micro adjust
I found that the G640 just is too muddy after a few days of use
SkyPad + Tiger Ice v2 pads + a mesh that covers the arm up to the hand + logitech g pro x wireless >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
fuck, these mousepads are too expensive 😭
Using a 5 dollar kmart one, need a better one I think.
Has $200+ mouse but feels like a $10 arm sleeve is too much?
No saturn pro? 😮
Missing Saturn
do another
Lara Crotch Womb Raider👀
No rgb
Is the steelseries QcK+ considered obsolete now? If so, any reason why?
I play CS and have been using it since about 2005 I think. Of course not the same exact one … I’ve gotten replacements over the years but always stuck with the same model. Works for me and never thought to consider anything else! It was quite popular in the CS scene in the mid-late 2000s. Nowadays I think it’s just called the “QcK Large”
Running a corsair desk pad with corsair glaive, butter smooth.
Very interesting, Don’t know why
I’m using a 40 gram mouse and the xsoft zero it feels like the perfect mix
Dude with the Sky 3.0 just buy a freaking sleeve man! Cmon haha
Also you can rub alcohol on your hands so they don’t sweat.
It’s just a mousepad!